The Laughing Zebra

Ten Activites to Give Your Kids a Break From the Ordinary

Even the most prepared parent runs out of ideas sometimes! Here’s ten great activities for when the boredom hits and some good old fashioned fun is needed.

This would be fun for the whole family. We have also made random newspaper tube sculptures for a competition at a party (see who can build the tallest one that stands for at least 3 minutes etc).

Here is a list of 40 riddles for an amazing scavenger hunt. This is a great way to get kids up and moving!

This neat science experiment is low cost and super cool and can be done even with young children.

These little gardens are a great way to introduce your kids to gardening (who knows, they might have a green thumb!) Use materials you already have and watch those plants grow! (This is a great way to teach about responsibility)

Marshmallows work great for building and creating. See who can make the tallest tower!

This is a great outdoor activity! Round up whatever odds and ends you have laying around to create a magical destination.

This makes some great playdough that lasts for a really long time. My husband and I just had a playdate with a friend’s 2 year old. We made 7 different colors. She was getting really good at the mixing and measuring by the end. Cream of tartar and gel food coloring are two things called for in this recipe besides the flour, salt and vegetable oil.

Card games are a great way to teach math and thinking skills and such a fun way to pass the time.

We love paper airplanes in our family. This is fun for all ages. (lots of sites out there for patterns). Have the kids decorate them with markers or crayons and have a fly off.

Have you ever played Minute to Win It  games? So fun for a family game night! In addition to these 30 here there are so many more of these games out on the Internet.


Do you have a favorite out-of-the-ordinary activity for kids? Let me know in the comments below!

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